Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fourth of July is Almost Upon Us!

Hello everyone! I am so sorry I don't have a Treasure Thursday. I have been horribly sick the past few days and I did make an attempt to go treasure hunting yesterday but since I wasn't really into it I came out empty handed. I found a few things but nothing amazing like last week. That is how it goes when it comes to treasure hunting. Sometimes you make out like a bandit and others not so much. Anywho I thought I would get you all pumped up for the big holiday that is getting closer at an  alarmingly fast rate.

I was looking around Pinterest, which I find myself doing everyday, and came across this darling little dress for my ankle-bitter.I saw the name and thought it would be perfect for my little Luci. It even looks like her. I don't know if I could swallow the price though. If it was for me it would not be an issue but my little ankle-biter gets stains on her just being in same room as something messy.

I saw these little Fourth of July clips on and thought they would looks cute with a nice little swing dress. I cute little touch to spruce up a plain pair of shoes. 

I could see you pairing these shoe clips with this adorable dress from If you have not checked out this website you have too because they have everything you could want. 

I could so wear this dress to a evening party and fireworks celebration. Some fancy shindig where I could rock out with this outfit. I don't like the socks with the shoes, maybe something more strappy  or dressier. 

Now if I had the body to wear this outfit I would totally rock it at a Fourth of July Picnic. Unfortunely my ankle-bitter is now 6 years old and I still have not got back to my prebaby weight. I am going to get close soon I hope. I have been working at it. Maybe this outfit can be inspiration. 

This is the outfit to wear when hanging out at the pool or the beach this Fourth of July holiday. How awesome is this swimsuit?

Well I hope these items start to get you ready for the big sha-bang this coming next week. Do you guys having any plans for the big holiday?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wishing For Wednesday

Wishing For Wednesday: The Cat's Meow!

I was browsing online looking for inspiration for today's post and it came to me, cats! Actually it came in the form of my cat Midnight jumping on me and my laptop. My little Midnight has become so dear to me and the ankle-biter. I have never really been a cat person. They always seemed so moody and dogs always seemed to just adore you no matter what. I had them growing up but they were more outdoor cats that just roamed the yard. We did have one cat that our family adored, Bad Cat. We adored her but she earned her name. When I came on the scene as a tiny ankle-biter she was very old and soon we had to put her down when I was a little older. I loved picking her up and carrying her around to her much annoyment. My ankle-biter and I were in Pet Smart two summers ago getting treats for her little pug, Frenchy. We always have to visit all the animals on every visit. That day we stopped to see the adoptable ones. Instantly I locked eyes with the most amazing yellow eyes. I instantly was in love. It was Bad Cat all over again. I called my mom and she came to see. Yep it was her! The next day we took her home. She has been ruling the roost ever since. Now my ankle-biter has the duty of carrying Midnight all over the house to her annoyance. If you ever find yourself looking for a new pet please, please try and look into adopting. There is no greater joy than bringing home an animal who so much deserves one.

It was easy to come up with today's title since that was my other option to call my site but someone else had it and I didn't want to confuse people. I am starting to like Peggy Sue's Daisy though. It has such a spring tone to it, one of my favorite seasons. So here are the cat items that I am all wishing for today in addition to my little rescuer Midnight!

My Midnight

The Cat's Meow Wishlist 
(remember to click on the text under the photo to link back to the original site)

If you click on the link it says it is currently down but hopefully it will be back up and running. 

I am posting this image without a source because I cannot find the original source. This is the trouble with something becoming so huge and popular. People put random things up and then it wastes peoples time and energy. I found this image on Pinterest and like most people pinned it and then left it for later. Well later came today and when I clicked on it to find the source it sent me to this gross and weird website. I tried to look through it to find if I could find the original original source and get out of there. Nope! Ugh! So I looked all over the internet trying to find the source but cannot. It makes me mad because I LOVE these glasses! There is writing on the the case but I cannot read it. So if you know where they are from please let me know! Also be careful what you pin and go through the trouble to go find the source before you pin something.

I would also like to give a MMEEOOWW! to one of the best catwoman's the little or big screen has ever seen, Julie Newmar. She was the best and still is. Michelle Pfeiffer was the most scariest and probably truest to who catwoman was. I see Anne Hathoway is now taking on the role we will see how she does. Hopefully better than Halle Berry. Sorry she is an amazing actress but not as catwoman. If you want to go to Julie Newmar's website here it is, Julie Newmar.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Birthday Wishing for Wednesday

As you read in yesterdays post my birthday is next month. I usually never really have something on my birthday wish. My mother usually takes us to our favorite shop, T.J.Maxx and I will pick out some nice things, usually jewelery or a handbag, and then I go sit in the car and she picks out what she wants to buy. Then we get home and she wraps it and gives it to me at my birthday dinner. My mother always begs and begs me for a birthday wishlist and I always tell her "I don't know what I want." This year since it is such an important birthday I feel I should put in the effort to pick out some items that I would like for my birthday. There are some items that I really really would like for my birthday but I know that will not happen. I will include those last.

Gift Number #1.
If you read my Treasure Thursday last week you discovered my love for head vases. It started very randomly after seeing one at my favorite antique mall. Now I have about six of them. I would have more but they can be very costly and I try to limit my purchases to around $20. I would love to have a custom vase done of me! That would really be a treasured item. It cost about $100 so it will probably remain a birthday wish for awhile. 

Gift #2.
This is another passion of my, old cameras. I have always loved cameras. Even as a child I carried around an old Fisherprice camera. I went on to college to study photography but then changed to art history. A lot of good either one did me. Whenever I see a neat one I have to pick it up. I actually found one very similar that works but I like how this includes EVERYTHING. I could have so much fun with this. I even found a company that supplies old film. I need to pick some film up for my Polaroid camera while I am at it. I miss using that camera. We need to go back to film processing. I loved taking pictures and waiting to get them developed and seeing how they came out. It was always so much fun to be surprised at the results.

Gift #3. 
I love this pendant. It has The King on one side and a legend on the other side. How much better can you get?

Gift #4.
I adore this pug bag. You can just imagine the wisdom this little guy could give you. I know I always go to my Frenchy for advice. She gives me those puppy dog eyes like his and I always feel so much better. 
Gift #5.

Gift #6.
This is a perfect summer dress. One of my favorite things about summer is going to a drive-in. It is so 1950's. One of my favorite scenes in the movie Grease is when they are in the drive-in. I am very fortunate that I live near a few of them. My daughter and her schoolmate actually have scheduled to go to see a movie at the drive-in hopefully this weekend. How fitting would it be to go wearing this adorable dress?

My dream gifts. These are wishes for my birthday that I know won't happen for this years birthday but hopefully one in the near future. A girl can always dream right? 

Dream Gift #1.
I was doing a random search for places in New Jersey for a possible move location and I came across this house. There is a pink house for sale down the road from us and my daughter always begs for us to buy it. I have no interest in living in the area where my mom lives. It is far to country for me. Plus I miss being by water so I am looking to move close to the shore. Hence the possible move to NJ. What I like most about this house and why I started to have an interest in it apart from the obvious outside color was that it has an addition that could be used as a home business which leads me to my next item.

Dream Gift #2.

My dream gift would be to open a store. I have dreamed about this for years and years but have never acted on it. It is because of this dream that I started this blog to later feature my items in my shop. My shop would be a vintage/ retro remix clothing store. I would sell items that are either vintage or made to look vintage in the 1940's to 1950's era. These pictures are my inspiration for my store. Funny how pink keeps poping up?

Dream Gift #3.
This is my ultimate dream car. If I got this for my birthday I think I would faint and need to be taken to the hospital. I love the summer because it means classic car shows. I can sit out in my backyard and watch all these amazing cars go by. I would love one just like this but with either white or pink colored interior. I would love one and put my store logo on it and drive around town. How cool would that be?

So there is my wishlist! It was actually kind of hard to pick and choose. It could have actually been much long but didn't want you to go through all that. I'll let you know if any of it comes true. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Doo Wop Birthday Vacation Plans/Wildwood

Ok so my birthday is coming up next month. It is not exactly just a normal everyday birthday it turns out to be a pretty big one at that. It will be my 30th birthday. Like most people I am sure at this time of life are not exactly where they want to be at this stage of their life. So I know I am not the only one dreading this moment coming so soon. I planned on going to a concert of one of my favorite bands Death Cab for Cutie but it sold out in like a minute. I figured I would then spend it like I do any other birthday, doing nothing. Sometimes I might go out to eat or go shopping but I haven't thrown a huge party since I was like 18. Even my 21st was very unexciting because I was at  summer school in college to get ahead of my studies so I could study abroad the following year. This year though due to my moms request actually we might go away somewhere. At first it was going to be Ocean City, MD but we found out it is 5hrs drive and we can only go for one night. That trip was quickly cancelled. Then we decided on looking along the shores of NJ which are only 3hrs away. Much easier to handle for one night trip than 5hrs! First we chose Ocean City, NJ. It looked fine but then I remember Jenny from Everyday Holiday Blog lives in Asbury Park, NJ. I read an article on how it is really turning around. It might not be so busy plus it would be neat to see how it was going. I was looking through a NJ travel book about Ocean City, NJ when I sudden came across a place that sounds magical and have no idea why I haven't heard of it before, Wildwood, NJ. My mom says it use to be a very popular place for college kids to go supposedly.

It is like taking a step back to the 1950's. All the signs and architecture of many of the buildings are in the Doo Wop style. There is even a 50's style WAWA store and Subway restaurant. Many of the newer hotels are also incorporating this style into their decor even down the plastic

                                          Link to the Doo Wop Preservation League

I would love to stay at the Starlux hotel. There you can stay in an Airstream Camper. How fun would that be?

Then there is also the Carribean Motel which reminds you of the retro resorts out in Las Vegas back in the day.

This is the motel that I am pushing for us to stay at other than the Starlux hotel. It is called the Lollipop motel and I just adore the sign. Look at those adorable kid faces, how could you not want to stay at a motel with that as its sign?

We are excited about the free beach and we discovered the Doo Wop Diner we are curious to try out. 

Our plans are still kind of new so I will keep you updated. If any of you have been there and have some recommendations please let me know. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wishing for Wednesday

Hello everyone! The summer is almost officially here even though my daughter insist is already here since she is out of school and it feels like summer. So for the anticipation of the warmer weather I have come to realize that I need a new wardrobe. With things that have happened it has been almost 6 years since I have really shopped for myself. So sorry to tell my daughter but before her my closet was so much nicer. Today's Wishing for Wednesday is all about a new summer wardrobe. How many of you would love to dream of a new wardrobe this summer?

Treasure Thursday

I just went on a fantastic trip to a local flea market. It is my favorite way to spend my Wednesdays in the summer. I will actually choose it over going to an amusement park, shopping somewhere else, watching a movie, or even the beach. Okay so maybe not the last one but its a big toss up. After my mom, myself, and the ankle-bitter, who always makes out better than anyone, have shopped till there is no money left we head over to say hello to my mom's parents grave site and plant some flowers we then go to a nice little meninoite (sp?) store to do some shopping. I need to ask them how they do their moon pies because I cannot get my dough like they do! On our way home we stop at this amazing diner called Bing's Diner in Burnham, Pa. It is the best little '50's diner around. I was very upset to find out they replaced their classic jukebox with a more modern electric one. It just isn't the same and it seems quieter. There wasn't that much noise but I could hardly hear the music. The little ankle-bitter loved though putting the money in and picking out the songs. She seemed to be in an Elvis mood, she takes after her mother. So anyways let me get to the good stuff and show you my loot!!

I also bought two adorable head vases for my collection. My limit is $25 for a vase. These were marked $18 & $12 but the couple gave them to me both for $22. I didn't realize how expensive this collection was. I've seen vases worth more than $200! I'll stick with the cheaper ones, maybe $45.

Do you guys have any thrifting treasures to show n tell? I hope to do this every Thursday and sometimes Tuesdays. We will see how it goes.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wishing For Wednesday

Wishing For Wednesday


I am totally loving bows lately. They can dress up a casual day dress or even a simple ponytail. I even have made several versions as hair accessories for myself and for the little anklebitter, well I guess she isn't so little anymore. Ugh! Don't remind me. Yesterday was her last day of school and the last day for her school since it is closing after this school year. It has thoroughly distressed us but we are trying to have faith and move on. Anyways I digress here are the bowtastic items that I have now on my wishlist.


I love these earrings and the bow ring. How adorable are these? You can wear them dressed up or casually everyday. 

There are many amazing scarfs on this website. I love the color and polka dots on this one. I do not know if I could pull of the scarf tied in a bow but I would like to try.

I want to get an office job just so I can get this skirt. How amazing is that?!

I never really cared about pink but pastel colors are starting to be my new favorite colors, including pink. This jacket is helping with that decision plus the bow is the perfect finishing touch. 

This is a picture of the singer of my new favorite band. I love her fun retro look and hair styles. I could pull this look off for a dressy event but probably not everyday. I really like the bow tie look. Girls and boys can pull that off! There are the polka dots again! That might be the theme for next weeks post. Hmmm. 

Here is Karmin in actually. Enjoy! Let me know how you like them.